Saturday, August 31, 2019

Plato Allegory Essay

1. The purpose of the allegory is to make it able to direct a relationship between a character, object, or place and an idea or concept. An allegory shows expressions through symbols, allowing the reader to use their imagination. This form of writing easily attracts the attention of its reader. 2. The cave symbolizes the ignorance of mankind. Within the cave, mankind is unaware of any existing world outside of the wall that is placed directly in front of the prisoners. I do believe that there are other possible interpretations. This interpretation could be material world, and physical world we experience. 3. I believe the prisoners in the cave are symbols of humanity. The common human who does not know what reality is until they are unchained and released 4. I believe the prisons are chained in The Allegory of the Cave because of the many restrictions humanity has to withstand. The prisoners are forced to see things from a certain perspective. Chains could possibly symbolize the laws. 5. I believe the puppet masters represent society, education, and religion. The puppet masters shape the understanding of the prisoners. Within societies, education, and religion shape our understanding and are responsible for how we learn. 6. A prisoner would be released from their bonds and cured of their delusions. However, this escape may involve confusion and difficulty. The prisoner’s vision would be at fault and provide struggle. They would experience a whole new world. 7. The prisoner that escaped would be made a fool if one attempted to return to the cave. The other prisoners would question and ruin all possible sight. If the prisoner attempted to lead one up, it is possible they would kill that prisoner. 8. I think â€Å"the good† refers to the light which is justice and enlightenment. 9. Socrates goes on to say that their argument indicates that knowledge is innate in each one of us. He compares our brain to an eye that can’t be turned from bad to good unless our whole body is turned. Socrates says this is similar to the way that our whole mind must be turned away from the world until we can handle reality. 10. Socrates says that the ultimate â€Å"job of lawgivers† is to require the best mind to reach the highest form of knowledge. He also says their job is to strive for vision of the good, and when that is reached, stop them from active how they are allowed to be then. 1. I do think the people today can be prisoners existing in a cave as Plato states. Although we may say somebody is a prisoner, it may not mean that they are actually in jail. There are many prisoners in jail for doing crimes but also there are many people who have never committed a crime who are prisoners. The cave that they are in is their own beliefs. 2. I do believe that the images on the cave wall could represent modern symbols. The images on the cave wall represented what the prisoners thought was present in the exiting world that they were in. the modern version of the images could be compared to the religions groups that choose not to conform to the rest of the world. They know about the outside world and all it has to offer but they choose not to accept that life style. 3. I do believe that there are current examples of the puppet masters. Today the puppet masters could represent teachers, priests, the Police, and security guards. 4. I believe there is a modern view of â€Å"the Good. † Examples of â€Å"the good† in modern views would be religion, family, job, or the idea that someone holds close.

Friday, August 30, 2019

An Examination of Relationship Between Anxiety and Insomnia

Anxiety is commonly associated with insomnia. Many research have been done in this area. The results of the previous research studies often revealed strong relationships between anxiety and insomnia. Often, anxiety and insomnia can be frequently associated with depression. This research study was conducted among Hunter College students in order to investigate a relationship between anxiety and insomnia. There were 22 students participating in the research, between ages 18 and 34. Twelve of them were males and ten were females. There was a multiple-choice questionnaire, adapted from other research studies, with four possible answers from 0 – not at all bothered to 3 – severely bothered. The obtained results fully supported the hypothesis that there is a significant positive correlation between anxiety and insomnia. The higher is anxiety level, the higher is insomnia level. Nevertheless, the research had its own limitations, and further modifications of a research design could be done in this area of study. An Examination of a Relationship Between Anxiety and Insomnia Anxiety is commonly associated with insomnia. A number of research studies in this area support the idea that insomnia and anxiety have common mechanisms that underlie or maintain these difficulties (Fairholme, 2012). Some studies investigate the association between anxiety, depression and insomnia, which often co-occur at the same time (Jansson-Frojmark, 2008). However, the question about cause-effect in this relationship between anxiety and insomnia still remains. In his article, Pacana (2010) stated that the anxiety disorders became the most common mental disorders in the United States. Nineteen percent of the population suffers from these afflictions every year. There are six major types of anxiety – Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Approximately one fifth of individuals seek treatment for these disorders. The estimated coast of anxiety disorders in the country is about 50 billion dollars in any given year. Pacan (2010) also wrote, that anxiety is a â€Å"product â€Å" of the central nervous system’s physiological and emotional response to ambiguous sense of fear or threat. Anxiety may appear even when there is no presence of actual life or health threats. Sometimes, anxiety can be so overwhelming and exhausting that it becomes a threat itself after a while. An Anxiety Disorder develops after the anxiety becomes severe, easy to trigger, occurs too frequent, or stays for too long. According to Pacan (2010), an anxiety is difficult to describe or measure. Luckily, psychologists have a number of tools for assessing a person’s level of anxiety. A Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) is one of the methods administered by Aaron Beck. It’s a 21question multiple-choice questionnaire that measures an individual’s anxiety level. There are four possible answers for each question scored from 0 (NO not at all) to 3 (YES and I could barely stand it). Each answer indicates the emotional state of an individual in the last week, expressed as common symptoms of anxiety (such as unsteadiness, wobbliness, nervousness, or difficulty in breathing, etc. ). The cumulative scores range from 0 to 63, which measure the anxiety level. The higher the score is, the more severe is the anxiety level. The higher scores indicate that an individual may have very serious and health-threating implications, like sleep disturbance or more severe form of sleep deprivation – insomnia. Jansson (2007) indicated that insomnia is another prevalent condition in the population of the United States and worldwide. The prevalence of insomnia ranges from nine to twelve percent in adulthood. Generally, insomnia is viewed as a persistent condition and defined as number of intertwined conditions, such as difficulty getting to sleep at bedtime, waking up too early in the morning, not getting enough sleep at night, etc. Individuals experiencing insomnia also complain about negative daytime symptoms, like distress or impairment in social, or other vital areas of functioning. According to Bogan (2007), insomnia is associated with significant health-related consequences. The estimated healthcare coast of insomnia in the United States is approximately 14 billion dollars. People with abnormal sleep are more likely to experience anxiety and depression and suffer other serious consequences, like drug or alcohol abuse and an increased incidence of medical and psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, severe insomnia may cause driving-related accidents and an overall increase in mortality rate. Although there are many factors that can contribute to sleeping disturbance, one of the most known is Anxiety. Buckner (2008) stated that insomnia is commonly associated with anxiety, and that sleep quality impairments, such as insomnia, can constitute a significant risk factor for development of anxiety disorders. The study used bivariate correlations to examine a relationship between social anxiety and insomnia in the undergraduate students. There was an association found between social anxiety and sleep dissatisfaction, sleep-related functional impairment, perception of a sleep problem to others, and distress about sleep problems. Jansson-Frojmark (2008) conducted research study about bidirectional relationship between anxiety and depression and insomnia. The revealed results indicate that anxiety and insomnia are significantly inter-correlated. The study used bidirectional correlation to demonstrate the relationship between anxiety and depression separately, and then their relationship with insomnia, using a prospective design in the general population. Although the research showed the bidirectional interrelationship between anxiety, depression and insomnia, the question about cause-effect relationship, where anxiety and depression influence insomnia, or vise versa, still remains. In 2012, Fairhome conducted research study about emotional disorders, insomnia, and common factors that underlie or maintain these difficulties. The results supported a hypothesis that common mechanisms are involved for emotional disorders and insomnia. One of the factors that may explain these mechanisms is anxiety sensitivity (AS). AS might function as a mechanism for the maintenance of sleep deprivation in order of anxiety and mood disorders. Anxiety sensitivity is a fear of anxiety-related sensations, which has been theorized as a heritable risk factor involved in development and maintenance of emotional disorders. For instance, an individual can believe that racing heart will cause a heart attack or that temporal loss of a sense of reality will transform into insanity. That is, an individual’s faulty beliefs of the danger of emotional disorders or sleep disturbance may increase physical symptoms of anxiety or insomnia, or both. The aim of this research study is to examine the relationship between anxiety and insomnia among college students. It was hypothesized that there will be a positive correlation between anxiety and insomnia, that the higher is an anxiety level the higher is an insomnia level. Method Participants A convenience sample of Hunter College students was used. There were 22 participants (N = 22) voluntarily participating in the research study, from the ages of 18 to 34 years old, with an average age of 21 (SD = 3. 28). There were twelve males (54. 5%) and ten females (45. %) of different demographic backgrounds, living mostly in the city of Manhattan or the other four boroughs of New York City. All of the participants were randomly selected and were proposed to participate in the research. Materials A questionnaire form was used to collect the data (See Appendix). Twenty questions about anxiety were adapted from Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) (Beck, 1988), and 20 questions about insomnia were a dapted from Pittsburg Insomnia Rating Scale (PIRS) administered by Moul, D. E. and other researchers in their preliminary study of the test-retest reliability and concurrent validities of the PIRS in 2002. There are 66 questions (For example, â€Å"Consider the quality of your sleep in the last week: Difficulty getting to sleep at bedtime†) multiple-choice questionnaire with four possible answers for each question (For example 0 – Not at all bothered; 1 – Slightly bothered; 2 – Moderately bothered; 3 – Severely bothered) (Moul, 2002). The ordered response options for the questions were adapted from PIRS (Moul, 2002). For the answers for each of 40 questions the Likert scale was used from zero to three (0 – Not at all bothered, 1 – Slightly bothered, 2 – Moderately bothered, 3 – Severely bothered). I went to the third floor of the Hunter College (695 Park Ave building), during the fall 2012 semester and started asking passing by students to participate in my research. Each participant received a consent form and a self-report questionnaire. They were asked to fill in questionnaire about factors that influence good sleep patterns. The participants were told to finish all 40 questions by filling in the numbers that best corresponded to their opinion about each item. After the data was collected, the cumulative scores for anxiety and insomnia were counted for each participant, and the data were collected in an excel file. Then the SPSS program was run in order to organize and interpret the raw data. Results A total number of 22 participants (N = 22, SD = 3. 28) participated in the research. Ten of them were females (45. 5%) and twelve were males (54. 5%), with an average age of 21 (36. 4%), a variance of 10. 7, and a range of 16. The youngest participant was 18 years old, and the eldest was 34 years old (See Table 1). The mean anxiety score was 15. 95 (SD = 10. 55), with a range of 40. A mean score for insomnia was 24. 27 (SD = 15. 63), with a range of 54. The minimum scores for anxiety and insomnia were zero and five, and the maximum scores were 40 and 59. To determine whether there was a significant positive correlation between anxiety and insomnia, the Pearson’s Correlation test was conducted. There was a significant correlation obtained for anxiety and insomnia, r (22) = . 74, p < . 01 (See Table 2). Discussion The obtained results fully support the hypothesis that there is a relationship between anxiety and insomnia. The results indicate that the relationship between anxiety and insomnia is strong and positive (See Figure 1), meaning that anxiety and insomnia levels change in the same direction. For instance, when the anxiety level goes up, the insomnia level goes up too. Generally speaking, the association between anxiety and insomnia indicates that individuals who are vulnerable to stress and other emotional disturbances are more likely to experience sleep deprivation at normal sleep time hours. Individuals who suffer from bad night sleep are more likely to feel anxious the next day. In this research the minimum score of zero for anxiety (See Table 1) indicates that at least one participant did not fill in any number other than zero within the anxiety questions in the questionnaire. However, the minimum score of five within the insomnia questions means that all of the participants experienced insomnia at the time of conducting research. All of that could probably have different explanation for student’s insomnia. It could be caused by something other than anxiety, like a physical problem, or loud neighborhood, etc. The student could simply not be honest about his or her anxiety, filling in zeros for every anxiety question. The results that were obtained in this research study are very similar to the results from previous research studies about anxiety and insomnia relationships, which were mentioned above (Buckner, J. D. , 2008, Fairhokme, C. P. , 2012, Jansson-Frojmark, M. , 2008, and Jansson, M. , 2007). In the Fairholme (2012) research it was discussed that individuals with anxiety sensitivity have a fear that their sleeping problems are related to some kind of health problem, which can make the individuals even more anxious and more likely to acquire serious disorders, like chronic insomnia. In this case a situation becomes a vicious circle. An individual gets more anxious because cannot sleep well at night, and he or she gets problems with falling asleep because he or she is too anxious about whole situation. It is possible that some of the students from our research have AS, which affected their good sleep patterns. This research results do not show any evidence for cause-effect relationship between anxiety and insomnia, though. It is hard to say whether anxiety causes insomnia, or the other way around, or whether anxiety and insomnia cause each other. It is hard to draw serious conclusions about what actually caused insomnia and anxiety in the observed students in this research study. It is also hard to say if participants had anxiety, or depression, or both due to the lack of possibility to differentiate anxiety from depression in this research. Sometimes anxiety and depression have the same symptoms, and that could have resulted in some errors in the questionnaire in this research. In the Jansson-Frojmark (2008) research study it was stated that relationship between anxiety and depression and insomnia is inter-correlated. Moreover, it was said that these three factors could simply co-occur in some cases. For example, an individual suffers from anxiety, which makes him or her experience insomnia, and whole that situation makes an individual be depressed. In this study, the combination of anxiety, depression and insomnia could be present conditions for some or for all of the participants. Although we cannot approve a cause-effect relationship between anxiety and insomnia, it is essential to say that sleep quality impairments can serve as a significant factor for anxiety disorders development or vice versa. According to Buckner research study (2008) individuals with history of insomnia are at greater risk for the later emergence of an anxiety disorder. When an individual had bad night sleep, he or she can feel weak, disorganized, tired, or simply he or she can feel moody or even mad. If the individual experiences the same problems over and over again for a long-term period, he or she can develop a fear from experiencing problems with sleep. For example, â€Å"I am so afraid I will not be able to fall asleep tonight again, and that makes me so anxious. After a while, that fear of insomnia can be transformed into an anxiety disorder. In this research a maximum score for insomnia is 59, comparing to anxiety maximum score of 40 can indicate that on average insomnia occurs in bigger degree than anxiety in these participants. That could possibly mean that insomnia in the participants was associated with factors other than anxiety during the time of conducting the study. For example, a partic ipant has a snoring roommate, or there is construction outside making an annoying noise early in the morning. In this case, without talking to each participant individually, it is impossible to conclude what was a real reason for the sleep disturbance, and for how long a participant has been experiencing it. There are few possible limitations of this research study, like a small size of a sample, specific population – Hunter College students, and lack of access to information about participants. The convenient sample size is not quiet enough for generalizing the obtained results. Twenty-two participants cannot fully reflect the real situation regarding relationship between anxiety and insomnia. Small sample in this research could lead to getting a Type I error, the obtained result is probably not significant as we think it is. Perhaps, most of the participants were interested in the research just because they did have both problems – anxiety and insomnia presented in their lives at a moment of conducting the research study. Moreover, any college students often have anxiety and insomnia occurring in the end of the semester (the research study was conducted in the end of the semester of fall, 2012). Conceivably, students were getting through the tests and exams at this particular time, and all that could cause anxiety and insomnia during a short-term period. Another reason to be concerned about a validity of the results is that we do not know enough information about the participants, like if they have anxiety or insomnia occurred earlier, and how many times before. Some of the participants could simply be taking some medications, which were prescribed to prevent or trigger the emergence of anxiety and insomnia. Despite these limitations, this research study contributes to the future revenue of anxiety and insomnia research studies. For the future work in this area, it would be interesting to add some questions about depression to questionnaire, and ask more details about participant’s life events and possible stressors. Gender differences may also play a substantial role in this research study. Females are more likely to experience emotional disruptions than males. For instance, according to Bogan (2007) young women are especially vulnerable to insomnia and it seems to increase with age by 20% – 50%. Men experience insomnia 1. 4 – 1. 7 times less than women. It is essential to make a gender type as an independent variable for the future research design.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Empowerment Through Education Essay

I feel empowerment through education can be one of the most amazing feelings. When reading a great book, it teaches me many things about myself and the classes I take in college. Learning something that I can apply to my everyday life is a useful tool. It teaches me things that can change my life forever or at least help me get through my day. Education not only benefits my life but my family, friends and people i see on a daily bases. The times when I feel most empowered through education are when i have achieved something that i never thought i could. After reading my first book, all i wanted to do was read the next book in the series. Right away I picked up another book and started reading it. I was so relieved at how easy it was once I started getting into what I was reading. It taught me something that i never knew about myself, that i actually like to read. From that point on, reading became an enjoyable activity. One of the first books i read was able to teach me something I c ould use in my everyday life. It was a car manual, which isn’t easy to understand at first. It has complex diagrams of what parts you are trying to fix and learn about. After carefully reading the manual I was able to fix my car myself. Before that replacing my window regulators, changing my oil, and installing sub woofers were things i never thought i could do. Because I was able to install and fix a few simple things in my car I avoided having to go to someone i didn’t trust. If i had someone else doing it for me, how am i sure they are doing honest work? Reflecting on it I now, I realize that reading can save me money, time and peace of mind. During my first semester in college i was forced to read many books I didn’t enjoy. After reading and applying the text to my classes I was amazed and shocked at how enjoyable it can be. It helped make the work i did more meaningful and less of a burden. It helped me understand that sometimes in life you have to read some crap just to say you did it. For the first time in my life i was able to over come my doubts about my reading and writing skills. I always felt like my education and book smarts were on an undergraduate level, but I was able to read and write at a college level and pass all my classes. This empowerment through education was something i never thought i would achieve. It is all thanks to the people that believed in me and pushed me to go back to school. Empowerment through education is one of the greatest feelings in the world. It is like the first time you are able to ride your bike by yourself. It is the inspiration that pushes you to wake up and start your day. After over coming many odds and doubts i was able to achieve what i came for, higher education/riding that bike over that high hill. Bettering my education was something i never thought i would do but here i am. The feeling of empowerment is what will drive me to excel this upcoming semester. Not only because applying myself will be easier but i now know i can do anything i put my mind to. I no longer feel unequipped to tackle the challenges that college and life present.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rehabilitation Engineering Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Rehabilitation Engineering - Coursework Example al., 2012).   In the resultant clinical extension, various independent examiners have to categorize the performance of knee extension with accordance to IKDC. Here, 16 knees that have got deficits with regards to the range of motion should be rated by use of a generic goniometer as well as the measurement device for novel extension. The radiological dimensions of the knee expansion angles that should be restricted to the tibia and femur shaft is allowed to only have a systematic absolute error of about -5.2 +/- 1.9 degrees as compared to the lines established by the rotational centres. In an experimental setup, the average absolute deviations should be at around 3.92 +/- 1.41 with a goniometer and around 1.22 +/- 0.20 degrees when it comes to the other measurement device. Radiological knee extension measurements that are limited to the knee joint area systematically deviate from the total axis measurements with regards to bones. A goniometer that uses the tibia and femur bony landmarks is often s uperior in terms of accuracy as compared with the long arm and standard goniometer techniques (ADAM, MCDUFFIE, et. al., 2012).   Over a few decades, there has been a substantial improvement with regards to Knee replacement surgery, mainly due to improved methodologies and techniques, improved devices and improved conversancy of knee and function and physiology. More durable and successful knee replacement schedules have had a big effect on various clinical practices (DURIG, 2013).  GPs have to understand something on some of the advancements that have been attained as well as how the clinical practices have transformed as a result, specifically in the segment of patient selection and patient assessment surgery. GPs should have the ability of distinguishing between abnormal and normal progress after such a surgery. Knee Replacement refers to a surgical procedure whereby prosthesis or an artificial joint is used to replace a broken

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Two cheers for anarchy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two cheers for anarchy - Essay Example From the book, it is evident that hierarchy is common in everyday life and in many situations. As such, it ought to be considered and the role it plays given undivided attention. The book also provides an argument of Scott’s view of freedom. Based on the arguments that he presents in the book, it can be concluded that the state does not always oppose freedom. According to the author, the state can play a role of emancipation whereby it can free people from injustices that deny them freedom. Through democratic representation of the citizens, the state strives to ensure that all people are equally represented and that no person enjoys freedom at the expense of others. Scott argues that anarchism teaches people about revolutionary and reformist political changes in society and how they tend to happen. Based on the arguments provided in the book, it can be concluded that protests and movements are not necessarily supported by organizations. Rather, it is the other way round whereby protests and movements enhance the functioning of organizations (Scott 10). Scott also discusses the aspects of structural change in society and the factors that determine such changes. From the book, it can be concluded that structural change is witnessed when there is mass destructions that happen as a result of riots, arson, theft, as well as unorganized demonstrations and mass actions, which threatens the existence and functioning of the institutions that the state has already established. Scott notes that, from an anarchist’s point of view, subordinate members of the society such as artisans and peasants were considered thinkers who shaped the political views of their respective regions (Scott 22). All chapters in the book start with a story about anarchism; in each of the book chapters, there is a representation of an element of truth about anarchism. While narrating his stories, the

How does ideology shape the way we think Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How does ideology shape the way we think - Essay Example Adorno was a formidable and shrewd dialectician. A considerable amount of his hypothetical work centered on and emphasized the manifest tensions that exist intrinsically within dealings between opposites (Horkheimer and Adorno 2007). In Adornos comprehensive idea of a premise of the social, these dialectical associations function on different levels, and also with each other. Adorno’s Views on Capitalism. Adorno stated that capitalism provided people with the goods from a culture industry, which he viewed as being the opposite of proper art, to keep them passively contented and politically lethargic. Adorno observed that capitalism had not become more unstable or come close to collapsing, as Marx had forecasted. Rather, it had apparently grown to be more well-established. Where Marx had concentrated on economics Adorno stressed on the function of culture in preserving the status quo. Adorno stated that culture industries are constantly providing an artificial collection of sentimental and unsophisticated products that then substitute the more intricate and significant art forms which have the capacity to compel people to actually challenge the existing social life (Horkheimer and Adorno 2007). The desire for false, artificial, or unimportant needs is nurtured in people by most culture industries. These are wants and requirements that can be realized by the capitalist structure, and which substitute peoples real desires such as authentic creative happiness, freedom, and the uninhibited expression of human creativity and potential. Commodity fetishism, Adorno stressed, is encouraged by media and advertising enterprises. They are the existing proof that cultural experiences as well as social relations have been objectified for the sake of realizing profits. Consumers today measure the value of a product or service by their cost. Music products as well as popular media are also typified by pseudo-individualisation and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 140

Essay Example It fills the gap by giving a set of frameworks that outlines how to execute strategy mapping in a systematic and practical format. Strategy maps serve as a reference to the four primary interest groups. Many companies are searching for directions and guidance that will allow them implements their own scorecards and maps (Armitage & Scholey, 2003, p. 76). The business world is faced with calamities in strategy from but not because the managers cannot come up with useful strategies but because there is a deficiency in the execution of this strategy. Research shows that seventy percent of the strategy failures arise due to poor performance but not because of poor vision or lack of smarts. Strategy maps refer to diagrams that are used to document the primary strategic goals followed by a management team or organization. Strategy maps are essential elements of the documentation related to the balanced scorecard. Additionally it is a feature of the second generation of balanced scorecard models that initially started in the mid-1990s (Armitage, 2004, p. 104). The initial diagrams were used early 1990s, and Drs discussed the concept of using this map in Balanced Scorecard. Robert Kaplan with David Norton. Strategy map gives out the visual guidelines for integrating a company’s objectives in the four perceptions of a Balanced Scoreca rd. It represents the cause and effect relationships that connect specific abilities in human, organization capital and information with desired outcomes in financial and customer perspective (Scholey & Arnitage, 2004, p. 569). It is worth mentioning that Norton and Kaplan based their work on Michael Porter’s expression of strategy. They chose a set of activities that a company would prosper to create a sustainable difference in the market, and therefore creating a lasting value for the shareholders. Arrows on strategy map indicate cause and effect of a period, and each of this perspective is scrutinized in more detail giving

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research paper Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research paper - Literature review Example 2)Preschool children refer to children that are on their early childhood education. It usually occurs to children before they are at a position of joining primary school. Though the ages may slightly vary, most of the preschool children are usually between the age of three and six years. This research examines pupils in this level of education for the prevalence of dental carries. 3)Early childhood carries refers to a kind of tooth decay that occurs to children that are in their first five years of growth after birth. Children can develop this condition in their infancy, either as toddlers or as preschoolers (Kail 2011, p.2). 4)Primary maxillary anterior teeth refer to the deciduous teeth that develop during infancy of which it comprises of the canines as well as the central and lateral incisors. These teeth are found on the front side. 5)Dentition refers to the teeth development from infancy to adulthood and the subsequent arrangement of the teeth in the mouth of an individual. It traverses from the arrangement of the teeth in the mouth, the kind, and the number of each type present in the mouth. 7)Cavitation refers to the presence of a cavity in a given tissue or an organ (Merriam-Webster 2014, p.1). In our context of research, it entails the formation of tooth cavities specifically touching on children teeth. 11)Sample frame refers to all the components present in a sampling area from where the sample will be obtained from. The sample frame can be made up of a variety of components, all of which helps in getting the data required by a researcher. 12)Dental examination deals with an analysis of the situation of the teeth in order to identify any potential anomalies that may require to be corrected. It is one of the requirements for good oral health. The research paper by Rahul, June, and Alan, Socio-Behavioral

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Officer Joe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Officer Joe - Essay Example There is little doubt that â€Å"management of the police department and its leadership is a demanding, complex, and challenging task,† but that task is â€Å"largely possible through good management†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Eisenberg 21). Managing this officer is not an easy task, as his negative attributes and their impact on the department must be weighed against his performance. Accordingly, we should examine the set of behaviors, assess the impact to the department and the public, balance the consequences of the officer’s negative behavior with his superior performance, and determine a way to help this officer. Officer Joe is, as any other police officer, under a lot of stress. The stress of police work is well known, and its effects on the individual can cause the officer to resort to various coping mechanisms. One of the more unhealthy ways of coping with stress on the job is alcohol abuse. In fact, Officer Joe is presenting classic signs of alcohol abuse. Disregard for authority, carelessness in personal appearance, as well as impatience and irritability are three indicators of alcohol abuse (Moriarty & Field 155). Officer Joe’s behavior indicates his condition is worsening, as this is presumptively the first time he has shown up for duty with alcohol on his breath. Immediate management intervention is required in this situation, to protect the public, the department, and Officer Joe himself. As there has been no indication of drinking while on the job, the officer is likely engaging in this self-destructive behavior in private. Some might content that the private behavior of a p olice officer is not an issue to management unless it affects job performance. In Officer Joe’s case, his performance has been very good. However, the private life of a police officer is something that can and should be considered by management. â€Å"The special role that the police

Friday, August 23, 2019

Modern Vision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Modern Vision - Essay Example This collapse came about because of the process of modernization. The reading is about how modernity has transformed vision. The camera obscura was a powerful apparatus that was in use for centuries and observers relied on it very much. Camera obscura turned into a model that was elaborated in many ways. However being overtaken by modernity it collapsed during the 18th and 19th centuries. Some of the things that made it to be overtaken with time were its rigidity, the fixed positions, linear optical system, identification of object and perception among other things which were inflexible. A better observer was needed to replace the camera obscura. With the collapse of the model there arose many different human vision models. The human body plays an important role sinmce it is the carrier of vision. Camera obscura was a way through which a person could know about the world by perceiving using his mind. This was therefore a crucial apparatus whose collapse was not expected but had to come with changing times (Crary

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Ideal Old Man Essay Example for Free

The Ideal Old Man Essay The initial reason for designing and constructing the Maglev vehicles was to create a car that could both carry a high number of people in a quick amount of time, and be the most cost efficient. Unfortunately for me, a high number of people would not be able to squeeze into my car. A slow, yet steady and comfortable pace made it quite obvious that my car was not in the upper echelon of the class. Instead however, it found its own identity as being ideal for an old man. Freedom rides through the countryside would be this cars specialty. In preparation for our upcoming project, we first watched a video on modern day Maglev vehicles. In the video we learned about the theories of magnets and electricity working together to form a high-speed vehicle. We learned about the futuristic possibilities of traveling from New York to Washington (without spilling your coffee) in relatively short time. The main purpose of a Maglev vehicle is for mass transportation in a quick amount of time. After we were introduced to the Maglev vehicle in the video, we proceeded to the computer lab to peruse the Internet. On the Internet, we found a variety of current Maglev vehicles. We got to check out the various speeds and performances that these particular vehicles had. In the making are some more elite types of Maglev vehicles. Perhaps someday in the near future, there will be a Maglev line running through our very own town. It was now time to plan out a strategy on the design of my car. The very first thing I sketched out was how wide the track was. A car any wider than the track would obviously not be able to run. Also, the magnets had to be a little more than an inch separated apart or else the magnets would not function properly. My completed sketch was a relatively small car that would be able to fit approximately 7-10 passengers at a time. One motor was supposed to rest on the top of the rear end and act as a propeller. Once my advisor approved my sketch, I looked for the proper materials in making my vehicle. The first thing I found was the material for my body. A light Styrofoam material was perfect for the design of my car. I cut out the proper design and also placed a shield of protection on it. Once the basic body was established, I found a base made of a hard light plastic. The plastic was easy to cut so that the contours of my base would match that of the car. Once I had my body and my base all set, I needed to install the ingredient that makes it all happen, the magnets. You could not just plug the magnets on the base in any sort of arrangement that you want. The magnets have to be placed on in rows approximately one inch apart. Also, the magnets (once they are placed on) must repel the force given off of the track so that the Maglev vehicle can float. After the magnets were carefully put on, it was time to install the motor system. The motor system consisted of one motor, two wires, and a propeller. The two wires would touch the side of the Maglev track and generate power inside the motor, which would turn the propeller. Once my motor system was installed, I was ready to test out my product on the track. Something was wrong. Placing my vehicle on the track was no different than trying to drive a car while it is elevated, the motor was humming but it wasnt moving an inch. Upon observation, I concluded that my car had too much weight pushing down on the magnetic track. The one thing I could do was to hollow out the insides of the Styrofoam, which would reduce much of the weight. Well, that didnt do too much. So I continued to chop away at the body of my car. Each crucial chop eliminated the passenger rate of my vehicle. Eventually the weight balanced out when my vehicle totaled the passenger rate of 1. 5. Saddened by the loss of passenger space, I was happy to see that my vehicle could at least move. My vehicle was now completed. All it needed was a purple colored body, and a beautiful purple baseball No. 4 for good luck. A cheap car to build, it only cost a shade over $57 million ($50 million going into labor). Measurements concluded that a mere 1. 5 passengers could jam into my cars tight surroundings. With the knowledge of my car being a one man wrecking crew I tested it on the track to see how much speed my puppy could burn. Once the results came in, it was time to label my Maglev car ideal for the old man. A respectable average speed of 4. 75, my car will not pass the board of transportations expectations. However, if the time comes for personal Maglev use in the future, people can come to either me or Q. Some controversy was brought up in aspects to the motor. A more efficient gold motor was placed on some of the other vehicles, and showed that they performed at a higher speed. Would my car have broken record speeds with this gold motor? Although my car would not have passed the expectations of the Maglev transportation theories, I did learn a lot about how electricity and magnets can work together. I learned that the Maglev is a mode of transportation for the future. A low (if not zero) pollution percentage, a Maglev would be ideal to the ozone. I found it amazing how the vehicles actually float down the track. The main problem for me was the weight factor. For some reason, I wasnt able to carry a space wide enough to fit any more than two passengers. Speculation could lead to bad magnet placement on the bottom. If I could do it again, I would design a car that distributes the weight more evenly throughout the base so I could fit more passengers. I would also look into purchasing the gold motor for higher velocity. I thought it was a fun project and I recommend it to future generations of classes.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Common man Essay Example for Free

Common man Essay At one level, the thesis is then just another callow compromise by the author in a life that he would call hollow, servile, and insincere. He is a weak and miserable man. Early in life, he was instilled with the desire to live according to what Bolles (1985) referred to as the three boxes of life, a desire that most middle-class parents bequeath to their children in the developing world. The three boxes of life being: foreign Western education, or rather training; high paying professional work in the West or the Middle East; and lastly a cushy retirement plan in North America and/or Europe, or a dollar-indexed pension to be paid in the home country. In other words, to borrow the incisive language of Malcolm X, my social milieu spoke to me in the following way: try to change your status from that of a field slave in the developing world to a house slave in a developed country so that you are of more use to the master and get to live a relatively comfortable life. On no account are you to forge a common cause with your fellow field slaves and work towards a new reorganization of the plantation so that all can live with dignity. You are, of course, allowed to be compassionate towards the lower orders, give charity, and urge them to be like you in the lust to emulate the master. Thus, I came to view myself as a rat, in all senses of the word, and my country as a sinking ship. Foreign education was the life boat on which I could get out of the ship and serve with a smile those very institutions and interests that had boarded and scuttled not only my ship but many others like it. As for those drowning in the decks below, the thought never really entered my mind. I now freely admit that I could not escape the clutches of the first box even when I became aware that I would be serving the very interests that were antithetical to what I thought represented the best in humanity. My ensnarement was due not so much to the strength of the box but to some path dependency processes which were accentuated largely by my own weaknesses, an unhealthy craving for wealth and status, and, lastly, craven cowardice that has made me so far, to quote Hamlet, ‘bear the ills we have than fly to those that we know not of.’ The jury is still out on the second and third boxes though. I hope the thesis will help me make my escape from them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Coca Cola Company Mission, Vision and Values

Coca Cola Company Mission, Vision and Values It was 1986, and in New York Harbor, workers were constructing the statue of liberty. Eight hundred miles away, another great American symbol was about to be unveiled. Like many people who change history, John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, was inspired by simple curiosity. One afternoon, he stirred up a fragrant, caramel-colored liquid and, when it was done, he carried it a few doors down to Jacobs Pharmacy. Here, agreed- this new drink was something special. So Jacobs pharmacy put it on sale for five cents a glass. Like many people who change history, John pemberton, an Atlant pharmacist, was inspired by simple curiosity. One afternoon, he stirred up a fragrant, caramel-colored liquid and, when it was done, he carried it a few doors down to Jacobs Pharmacy who all agreed-this new drink was something special. So Jacobs Pharmacy. Here the mixture was combined with carbonated water and sampled by customer who all agreed- this new drink was special. So Jacobs Pharmacy put on sale for five cents a glass. Pembertons bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, named the mixture Coca-Cola ®, and wrote it out in his distinct script. To this day, Coca-Cola is written the same way. In the first year, Pemberton sold just 9 glasses of Coca-Cola a day. A century later, The Coca-Cola Company has produced more than 10 billion gallons of syrup. Unfortunately for Pemberton, he died in 1888 without realizing the success of the beverage he had created. Over the course of three years, 1888-1891, Atlanta businessman Asa Griggs Candler secured rights to the business for a total of about $2,300. Candler would become the Companys first president, and the first to bring real vision to the business and the brand. COMPANY MISSION, VISION AMD VALUES: Our Mission Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. To refresh the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness To create value and make a difference. Our Vision Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples desires and needs. Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities. Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization. Live Our Values Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in the world. Leadership: The courage to shape a better future Collaboration: Leverage collective genius Integrity: Be real Accountability: If it is to be, its up to me Passion: Committed in heart and mind Diversity: As inclusive as our brands Quality: What we do, we do well SUSTAINABILITY: LIVE POSITIVELY focuses on seven core areas key to our business sustainability, with measurable goals and metrics for the Company and the Coca-Cola system INOVATION: Products EquipmentPackagingMarketingMarketplace Fortified nutrijuice helps fight malnutrition in the Philippines Introducing plant bottle up to 30% plant- based, 100% recyclable bottle, redesigned plastic, recyclable as ever Learn about our award-winning video vender. New plastic bottle crushes conventional thinking about environmental action. Helping our customers to maintain and grow their businesses. INVESTORS: The coca-cola company Finalizes transaction with coca-cola enterprises. Atlanta, October 3, 2010 The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) today announced that it has completed the acquisition of the North American operations of Coca-Cola Enterprises (NYSE: CCE) and the sale of the Companys Norway and Sweden bottling operations to CCE. This transaction positions The Coca-Cola Company to more profitably deliver the worlds greatest brands and drive long-term value for all shareholders. Steve Cahillane, Muhtar Kent and Sandy Douglas OUR PRODUCT: Coca-Cola Zero Coca-Cola Zero ® has been one of the most successful product launches in our history. In 2009, we sold more than 600 million cases globally. Put into perspective, thats roughly the same size as our total business in Germany, one of our top 6 markets. As of September 2010, Coca-Cola Zero is available in more than 130 countries. LEADERSHIP: Since our first soda fountain sales in 1886, we have been a driver of marketplace innovation and an investor in local economies. Today we lead the beverage industry with more than 500 beverage brands including four of the worlds top-five sparkling brands. But while our business opportunities are enormous, our commitment to our consumers and the communities in which we operate is even greater. Muther Kent, our Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, leads us into the new century with a firm commitment to the values and spirit of the worlds greatest brand. In our journey to become a sustainable, profitable growth company, our management structure has evolved to sharpen external focus on the marketplace with greater speed, productivity and effectiveness. Financial Statements The financial information included in this section should be read in conjunction with Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements contained in our Companys 2008 and 2009 Quarterly Reports on From 10-q and 2008 Annual Report on From 10-k As a result of the Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) Rule Release No. 33-9002, Interactive Data to Improve Financial Reporting, the Company is required to submit Interactive Data as Exhibit 101 (attachment type EX-101) for certain Exchange Act and Securities Act filings. This Rule is effective for the Company beginning with our second quarter 2009 interim financial statements filed on Form 10-Q. Interactive Data is made possible through the computer language extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). XBRL offers near real-time access to financial reports, generally within minutes of our Company filing them with the SEC, and provides more flexibility to view and compare data versus traditional HTML filings. With XBRL, investors can create their own customized reports, automatically generating financial ratios, graphs, and charts depicting important information from financial statements. Due to the functionality of interactive data filed with the SEC, the Company will no longer provide excel versions of our financial statements on this website. Investors that wish to view an excel version of our financial statements can download the information from the SECs website at CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 6,816 Marketable securities 263 Trade accounts receivable, less allowances 3,139 Inventories 2,298 Prepaid expenses and other assets 2,198 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 14,714 INVESTMENTS Equity method investments: Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. 1,386 Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.B. de C.V. 840 Coca-Cola Amatil Limited 680 Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. Other, principally bottling companies and joint ventures 2,410 Other investments, principally bottling companies 441 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 5,757 OTHER ASSETS 1,793 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT net 8,425 TRADEMARKS WITH INDEFINITE LIVES 6,042 GOODWILL 3,988 OTHER INTANGIBLE ASSETS 2,384 TOTAL ASSETS $ 43,103 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 5,651 Loans and notes payable 6,701 Current maturities of long-term debt 461 Accrued income taxes 356 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 13,169 LONG-TERM DEBT 5,017 OTHER LIABILITIES 2,944 DEFERRED INCOME TAXES 865 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY SHAREOWNERS EQUITY Common stock, $0.25 par value; Authorized 5,600 shares 880 Capital surplus 8,021 Reinvested earnings 38,911 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (2,893) Treasury stock, at cost (24,207) EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO SHAREOWNERS OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 20,712 EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO NONCONTROLLING INTERESTS 396 TOTAL EQUITY 21,108 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY $ 43,103 Note: The financial information included in this section should be read in conjunction with Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial condition and Result of notes to consolidated financial statement contained in our companys quarterly report on form 10 -q and 2008 annual report on form 10-k. The Coca-Cola Company and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (UNAUDITED) (In millions) Three Months Ended April 3, 2009 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Consolidated net income $ 1,359 Depreciation and amortization 283 Stock-based compensation expense 53 Deferred income taxes (20) Equity income or loss, net of dividends (3) Foreign currency adjustments 42 Gains on sales of assets, including bottling interests (5) Other operating charges 74 Other items 100 Net change in operating assets and liabilities (1,010) Net cash provided by operating activities 873 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Acquisitions and investments, principally beverage and bottling companies and trademarks (179) Purchases of other investments (6) Proceeds from disposals of bottling companies and other investments 37 Purchases of property, plant and equipment (467) Proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment 7 Other investing activities 9 Net cash used in investing activities (599) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Issuances of debt 5,758 Payments of debt (3,001) Issuances of stock 10 Purchases of stock for treasury Dividends (950) Net cash provided by financing activities 1,817 EFFECT OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 24 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Net increase during the period 2,115 Balance at beginning of period 4,701 Balance at end of period $ 6,816 Note: The financial information included in this section should be read in conjunction with Managements Discussion  and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  contained in our Companys 2009 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and 2008 Annual Report on Form 10-K. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: We are required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and to publish on our website, our Annual Report on Form 10-K, which discloses the Companys annual financial performance. To ensure the trust of our people, those with whom we do business and our other stakeholders, we publish a variety of reports annually regarding our performance in various aspects of our business, not just financial performance. These reports reflect, among other things, our performance and accomplishments in the areas of product safety, quality and integrity, marketing and innovation, community support, workplace rights and protecting the environment.

Keeping up with the Jones :: essays research papers

The expression, â€Å"Keeping up with the Joneses† a very common quote that, Juliet Schor, used in her work, The New Politics of Consumption, could not fit a society more. The average household debt excluding mortgage is estimated fifteen thousand dollars, eight thousand of that debt comes from credit cards. (Paul Bannister, Credit cards are becoming a huge problem in our society that it is affecting more than just consumerism. It’s affecting the way we live.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everywhere public place you go it is hard not to run in to the idea of the credit card. You will see credit card logos on the front of every business. Every department store you go in has it’s own version of a credit card from Target to Macy’s. The Diner’s Club Card that originally was only for businessmen to eat lunch at 27 different restaurants. Now it is accepted almost everywhere. And for everything else there’s Mastercard†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦(or Visa, Discover Card orAmerican Express. Currently there are 1.2 billion active credit cards used in the United States. A typical purchase on a credit card cost more than 112% then a purchase paid for by cash. Americans are not only purchasing items on their credit cards as they go on shopping sprees. They are now paying their rent, tuition, utilities, car payments, and anything else they can think of. 9 in 10 credit cards users say that their credit card debt is nothing they worry about, but 47% of these people refused to tell a friend exactly how much they owe. (Paul Bannister,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Initially when people receive a credit card they state that it is for â€Å"emergency purposes only†. However, that does not seem to be the case. For some, keeping up with the Joneses is an emergency. Heaven forbid, a sale at the GAP. Fewer people are saving money. Instead they rely on the plastic. However, the average credit card holder pays $1200 just in credit card interest. You would think that those individual would figure this out and start putting that $1200 into saving for â€Å"emergency purposes only†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It seems odd that so many people say that they their credit card debt is nothing they worry about. When people have been filing bankruptcy more and more. In 1991, the rate of 25 years and under that filed for as rose to 50%. Maybe this has to do with so many Universities and Colleges allowing banks and credit card companies to hound financial uneducated students on campuses with promises of a free calling card or hopes of winning a plasma TV for their dorm room.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Problems of Anxiety Disorders :: Anxiety Disorders Psychiatry Health Essays

The Problems of Anxiety Disorders Anxiety is a normal reaction to a threatening situation and results from an increase in the amount of adrenaline from the sympathetic nervous system. This increased adrenaline speeds the heart and respiration rate, raises blood pressure, and diverts blood flow to the muscles. These physical reactions are appropriate for escaping from danger but when they cause anxiety in many situations throughout the day, they may be detrimental to a normal lifestyle. An anxiety disorder is a disorder where feelings of fear, apprehension, or anxiety are disruptive or cause distortions in behavior, (Coon, 526); they are psychiatric illnesses that are not useful for normal functioning. At times, an underlying illness or disease can cause persistent anxiety. Treatment of the illness or disease will stop the anxiety. Anxiety illnesses affect more than 23 million Americans with about 10 million Americans suffering from the most common, general anxiety disorder . (Harvard, 1). Common anxiety disorders are panic attacks (panic disorder), phobias, and general anxiety disorder (GAD). Panic attacks Panic attacks can begin with a feeling of intense terror followed by physical symptoms of anxiety. A panic attack is characterized by unpredictable attacks of severe anxiety with symptoms not related to any particular situation. (Hale, 1886). The person experiencing the attack may not be aware of the cause. Symptoms include four or more of the following: pounding heart, difficulty breathing, dizziness, chest pain, shaking, sweating, choking, nausea, depersonalization, numbness, fear of dying, flushes, fear of going crazy. Heredity, metabolic factors, hyperventilation, and psychological factors may contribute to anxiety causing panic attacks. (Hale, 1886) Panic disorder tends to run in families with first degree relatives of patients having four to seven times greater risk than the general population. Metabolically, the levels of three neurotransmitters, nor-epinephrine, gamma-aminobutyric aci d (GABA), and serotonin, may play a role in anxiety. These neurotransmitters act as signals between brain cells. Drugs that change the levels of these neurotransmitters are useful in the treatment of anxiety. Hyperventilation (rapid shallow breathing) can cause a decrease in carbon dioxide in the blood. This decrease in carbon dioxide has been associated with anxiety. Anxiety can be caused by psychological factors as well. One theory is that there is an unconscious conflict between certain wishes and desires, and guilt associated with these desires. Another theory is that certain fearful childhood situations provoke anxiety later. This later theory has been associated with agoraphobia in that the fear of being abandoned in the past may lead to fear of public places.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Web and Education Essay -- Teaching Learning Technology Papers

The Web and Education I read somewhere that everybody on this planet is separated by only six other people. Six degrees of separation. Between us and everybody else on this planet.(1) —John Guare The Chronicle of Higher Education recently reported that Internet researchers at the University of Notre Dame (Barabà ¡si, Albert, and Jeong, 1999) discovered that, on average, due to the hypertext links, any two Web pages are only 19 clicks away from each other. The research loosely follows the earlier work of Stanley Milgram, a social psychologist at Yale University. In the 1960s, Milgram demonstrated that any two individuals were linked by five mutual acquaintances. It was this theory about human relationships that the character Ouisa reflects upon in John Guare's famous play Six Degrees of Separation in the quote above.(2) Like the intricate web of human relationships, the Notre Dame researchers' 19 clicks of separation theory poses an interesting notion about the potentiality of Web pages and their complex inter-relationships. As the number of Web pages grows phenomenally, it's not hard to imagine that the information and knowledge you are seeking in your research and education may one day be only five clicks away from where you start surfing on the Web. It is precisely the vast interconnectivity of the Web that makes it an especially intriguing new education medium or tool. Consequently, the Web is emerging as an important and potentially primary infrastructure for any time, any place learning in the future. Many higher education institutions in the US are already eagerly jumping on the Web bandwagon. According Khan in the preface of a recent textbook on Web-Based Instruction (Khan, 1996): †¦the Int... ...2-bin/printable.cgi Kilian, Crawford (1998). F2F Why Teach Online, Educom Review (p. 31-34). Nardi, Bonnie A. and O'Day, Vicki L. (1999). Chapter Four: Information Ecologies. Information Ecologies: using Technology with Heart. [On-line]. Available: Oliver, Ron; Herrington, Jan; and Omari, Arshad. (1996) Creating Effective Instructional Materials for the World Wide Web. [On-line]. Available Oppenheimer, Todd. (1997). The Computer DELUSION. The Atlantic Monthly. [On-line]. Available: Ryder, Martin and Wilson, Brent. (1996) Affordances and constraints of the internet for learning and instruction. [On-line]. Available:

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Topic Paper

Since most managers' lack specialized knowledge, like the latest laws and rules, it is very risky to not have HER professionals. According to the authors of all three of the articles, HER should be adding value and causing a good business flow by being a business partner to an organization. HER professionals should be pin-pointing critical points of the business where the strategy succeeds or fails, and providing relevant talent solutions. HER should be a business partner to a company and not Just a department. According to Hammond, there are four reasons why HER is â€Å"uniquely unsuited† to do what it should be doing.First, HER doesn't tend to hire a lot of independent thinkers interested in business or people who stand up as moral compasses. Second, HER has a tendency to measure amount of input, but not output. For example, they know the amount of training that each employee has but do not know how that training has positively influenced the business decisions of that empl oyee. Third, HER forfeits long-term value for short-term cost efficiency. Lastly, HER does not have its ear to top management. According to Muddy, HER can be more impacting within organizations by simply asking ‘does it cause friction in the business r does it create flow?Hammond believes that the HER function of companies like Yahoo, Hunter Douglas, and Cardinal Health are bringing HER into the realm of business strategy. These companies are truly making HER a business partner. Hammond believes that these companies are doing it right by trusting and listening to HER in order to properly assess what the company needs and then finding the talent to fill that hole. The companies have also done right by properly identifying HER as an important part of their company. From these three articles I can draw that HER s a department with a lot of problems.Some companies have not used HER to its full potential. HER sometimes is valued so little that even the people hired into this functi on of the company can't execute the plans that are put into place. HER is under- used and under-appreciated in most of today's companies. In my opinion the role of HER is to keep employees happy, and to hire and train employees that will be beneficial to their team. Also, in my opinion the importance of HER is very high because without a strong HER department your employees will end up being unhappy or misused.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Corporate Entrepreneurship Essay

Background: US Broadcasting Industry: The US media industry was the second largest market around world at $255.1 billion and was forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 2.3 percent till 2017. Within the media industry, broadcasting and TV was the largest category with a market of $142.6 billion. The industry players were competing mainly with one another for viewership to drive advertising revenue which was the primary source of profits. The traditional advertising driven business model started to shift due to a few trends. First of all, there were more ways for broadcasting advertisers to reach customers. The progressive consumerization of technologies such as social media tools had contributed to this trend. Secondly, new technology products made it possible for users to skip advertising. Thirdly, the content creation was getting localized and the audience was fragmenting. Fourthly, more television advertising was purchased through consolidated conglomerates which had various resources with better insights about their target audiences. Lastly, the switch from analogue to digital TV broadcasting not only led to multicasting with more channels but also made the industry more favorable for new entrants. In general, the technologies were putting so much pressures on the traditional business of this industry. Latinos in the US: There were also unique factors for this largest minority group in US. Firstly, the Latinos were growing at 8 times the rate of the non-Latino population and contributed to nearly 17% of US total population. Other than that, the per capita income of US Latinos were higher than any of the BRIC and households and was growing at a faster rate than the number of total households in US. Thirdly, Latinos were on the path of â€Å"acculturation† and they were leading dual lives. However, the Latinos formed only 6% of the total marketing pie as an audience and there did exist a huge gap. As a result, Latino market had truly become the most potential market segment for various industries. Entravision, Luminar and the Big Data: Entravision, which had 56 TV stations and 49 radio stations in most popular Latino markets across US in 2013, was the largest independent public media company focused principally on the US Latino audience. Regards all the strong corporate performances and growths, Franklin Rios and Walter Ulloa, the founding chairman of Entravision, had agreed on to set up an analytics division called Luminar in Entravision. The main objective of Luminar was to act as the first mover which would leverage Big Data analytics at Entravision to offer exceptional marketing and advertising products as well as lead Entravision to transform from a media company into an information and analytics company. Situation: Rios understood the impacts both the technological trends and the Latino demographic trends had made to the US broadcasting industry. He understood that the traditional market research tools had limitations which would not help him to further extract insights from the US Latino market and the search for alternatives led him to the Big Data. His Big Data initiative was strongly supported by Ulloa as he believed that leveraging Big Data at Entravision could not only help them to fully understand the Latino market to extract its huge potential values but also serves as a new element of corporate strategy to lead Entravision to stand out from its traditional media industry competitors. As a result, Rios and Ulloa decided to establish Luminar as the Big Data analytic division at Entravision. At the same time, Ulloa’s own interest in the launch of Luminar we driven by these 4 objectives: Entravision should transform from a media company into an information and analytics company. Laminar would be the centerpiece of such a transformation of Entravision. The new data driven approach of Luminar would complement the traditional survey driven approach of Entravision. Luminar would in the long run to be a new revenue stream for Entravision. As the first mover in the space without any competitor in sight, Luminar and Entravision had gained strategic advantages over their competitors. Using the Socio-technical framework to further understand Luminar and Entravision’s positions under the Big Data environment, it is important to consider Entravision and Luminaries respectively and then collectively to evaluate how closely they align with each other: Entravision: Structure: A listed company, multiple broadcasting stations, with traditional corporate function units such as Finance, Marketing, R&D, Sales and etc. People: Nearly 1,000 employees, familiar with the old industry norms, believe qualitative data was more important than quantitative data. IT: Majorly TV and Radio, mobile, digital, web, other interactive media Process: All kinds of traditional ways of delivering values to customers, community involvement, local content creation. Luminar: Structure: New corporate entrepreneurship, division of Entravision, President Rios reporting directly to Ulloa, initial investments all from parent company People: Exposed to technologies and innovations, data driven, IT: Huge amount of data from various sources, Hortonworks, MapReduce, high performance data analysis platform Process: New revenue streams, data analytics, using various algorithms From the above Socio-technical framework analysis, there were huge differences between Entravision and Luminar in terms of structure, people, IT and process. Also, this distinct misalignment could seed potential roadblocks for Luminar’s future growth. Problems: Rios was truly facing some problems before the launch of Luminar. First of all, the growth target set by Ulloa for Luminar to generate 10% of the revenues of Entravision in 5 years was achievable but was too aggressive and pressuring. He was confident that with no competitors in the market Luminar could reach this target, however, he did need more time to sort out other problems. Secondly, unbalanced interests lead him to question about the  effectiveness of Luminar’s structure fit into Entravision as a fully embedded division. Moreover, there was no proper performance measurement system existing at that moment for Luminar to build up the credibility both internally and externally. Furthermore, although Luminar could approach internally or externally, there was still no clear direction for Luminar regarding how to leverage Big Data analytics at Entravision. Lastly, Rios was also worried about how he could sustain a first mover advantage for Luminar and the business model could not easily been imitated by competitors. Based on all the issues Rios were concerning, the fundamental problem should lied on that there were no internal buy-in at Entravision because people were skeptical about Luminar. Therefore, how to successfully securing internal buy-in became extremely critical to Luminar’s sustainable long term growth. Analysis: Obviously, for Entravision, it had stable business and constant growth for years. At the same time, the strong demographic trend of Latino group was bringing more and more opportunities for future business of Entravision. Furthermore, the traditional marketing method based on qualitative data were still believed to be reliable. As a result, there was no evidence of any burning platform at Entravision and thus no urgency for any organizational change. The socio-technical framework analysis in the situation part also shows that there were distinct misalignments between Luminar and Entravision regarding the 4 organizational aspects including structure, people, IT and processes. These misalignments indicates that it could be really hard for Entravision people to understand, accept and then support what Luminar was about to do. Securing internal buy-in Entravision was really critical to Luminar. First of all, as its entrepreneur division, Entravision would be committing funds for the laun ch of the Big Data initiative and its growth. The funds would be provided to Luminar on annual basis. Thus, if the internal buy-in was not in place, Luminar’s funds for growth would not be guaranteed regardless the performance of Luminar. Secondly, one of the major objectives for establishing Luminar was to make it as a central part of corporate strategy to transform Entravision from a traditional media company  to an information and analytics company. Rios and Ulloa had to admit that this was also an attempt to change the underlying corporate culture of Entravision and culture change has been considered as the most challenging part for any organization change. Without internal buy-in, the transformation efforts would quickly fade out without changing the DNA of Entravision. Thirdly, the new data driven approach of Luminar was expected to be complemented with the traditional survey driven approach of Entravision. Without internal support from Entravision R&D department, Luminar would not be able to come up with more int egrated and systematic solutions to its customer and offer its customer with better and insightful marketing solutions to target at the US Latino group. In addition, Luminar relied strongly on the partnership with Entravision. Entravision’s market experiences as well as customer relationships could provide Luminar with a very resourceful platform to start their sales. If Luminar could not secure internal buy-in from department such as Marketing, Luminar would not be able to leverage this resourceful platform to make itself as a new revenue stream for Entravision. When we look back at the minor problems in the previous section that Rios was trying to figure out, it seems that most of them were resulted from the major issue that there were no internal buy-in in place. For example, Rios was wondering what kind of structural fit Luminar should be, what caused this was exactly the different interests from internal stakeholders. If they all the internal stakeholders were supporting Luminar, the anticipated structural fit for Luminar to be a strategic division in Entravision should be the win-win solution. Other than that, Rios’ concern on performance milestones was also caused by the lack of internal buy-in because Rios needed to lead Luminar to achieve those milestones to establish credibility with not only with customers but also with employees of Entravision. Decision Criteria: 1: Financial stability The first criteria for evaluating the best option is financial stability. Although Luminar was different from traditional type of startup companies which were always looking for sources of funds, Luminar still faced  pressures from losing support from Ulloa and Entravision. If there was not any feasible substitution for funds available for Luminar, Luminar should try to ensure the current committed funds from Entravision. 2: Remove resistances from R&D, finance and sales department Internal resists came primarily from the three sources which are R&D, finance and sales departments. The winning option should effectively remove the roadblocks from all of these 3 departments. Luminar absolutely needed corporations from these 3 departments to support its long term growth. The R&D would be providing human and technical resources for Luminar to develop the Big Data analytic solutions. The finance department would be responsible for funding Luminar and measuring its performance. Sales department would help Luminar approach its new products and solutions to Entravision’s existing customers as well as any new potential customers. 3: Sustain long term culture change This criteria requires the option to be able to sustain long term culture change inside Entravision. Basically, the option could further help the Entravision employee understand what Big Data is and what kind of benefits Big Data could bring to them. If the Entravision employees started to realize the solutions based on quantitative data is better than the traditional norms based on the qualitative data, they would start to accept Big Data and Luminar and finally start to change the culture. 4: Potence of creating business synergies and new revenue streams. This criteria is used to evaluate if the options have potential to create business synergies and new revenue streams. The Luminar was not even started so everything was still unknown. As a result, one of the easiest ways to secure internal buy-in would be showing that the option had potential to create business synergies and new revenue streams. The above 4 criteria are listed according to their priorities. Criteria 1 must be satisfied as it is critical to all new business adventure. Criteria 2 also needs to be satisfied because unable to remove those major resistances could directly result in failing the process of securing  internal buy-in. Criteria 3 also needs to be satisfied as it could further strengthen the internal buy-in by eventually encoding the data analytics into Entravision’s DNA. The last criteria is also important as satisfying it could deliver Entravision with even higher level of confidence in Luminar. Options: Since Luminar was not even started, the proposed options here are basically strategic proposals that Rios could present to Ulloa and the board of directors to show how he could possibly secure the internal buy-in. 1: Luminar as an independent startup company and acts as a strategic partner with Entravision For this option, Rios would propose that Luminar to become a separate company and maintain an arm’s-length with Entravision. As an independent startup company, Luminar would acquire its own resources such as R&D, HR, Operation, Marketing and Sales. With initial funds from Entravision, Luminar could go out and seek more venture capitals for its build up and future development. At the same time, the company can focus on its own corporate vision and objectives without worrying about any resistances from Entravision. As a strategic partner with Entravision, Luminar could still take advantage from Entravision’s resourceful platform. For this option, since Luminar did not have any prototype available and with only the ideas in Rios’ mind, it could be really hard for Luminar to seek external venture capitals. In the meantime, securing funds from Entravision executives would also become harder as it is no longer a part of Entravision. As a result, this option has very high risk in securing the financial stability and could not satisfy the first criteria. Luminar would no longer act as a change agent in Entravision if it becomes independent. Thus this option would also not meet criteria 3. Although this option strongly satisfying criteria 2, it still can be easily opted out as it does not meet the most important criteria 1 and 3. 2: Luminar as a strategic division and focus on leveraging Big Data externally For this option, Luminar would keep the current structure fit to be a strategic division of Entravision. At the same time, Luminar would  focus on leveraging Big Data externally by targeting with external customers. Rios already had initiatives in mind and he planned to develop three specific products based on Big Data at Luminar. The first product would be Analytics which could interpret data to help clients target their customers better. The second product would be a service that could â€Å"cookie-tize† offline transactions data to merge with online data and altogether to enable clients to expand the scope of their digital market. The third product could improve the accuracy of social media to provide customers with more fine-grind market insights. Rios would initially use the three new products to aim at blue chip marketers and advertisers who were Entravision customers and provide them with competitive advantages. For this option, as long as Luminar could generate topline performance, Entravision would continue to invest in Luminar. As a result, this option satisfy criteria 1 as it keeps Entravision as the best investor to keep financial stability. Luminar’s focus on external customers might not effectively remove the resistance from its R&D department. However, by targeting at the blue chip key customers, any successful sales closure could turn the marketing team from resistance to support. Regarding the financial department, as long as the revenue starts to come in, CFO and the financial folks would start to believe in Luminar. Thus, for the second criteria, this option could partially satisfy it. For the third criteria, as most of Entravision employees were still not able to see the benefits that Big Data could bring to them and with remaining major resistance from R&D department, this option could not effectively sustain the long term culture change. For the criteria 4, this option successfully satisfy it as it would definitely create new revenue streams for Entravision. 3: Further leveraging Big Data at Entravision through internal innovations. This option is basically built on the top of option 2 and Lumina would further leveraging Big Data internally. Luminar would still focus strongly on the existing external customers and developing those 3 products for offering. Other than that, Luminar would design and develop tools and solutions specifically tailored to internal departments. For example, Luminar could develop Big Data initiatives to help finance department to tracking real time cash flows as well as forecasting budgets. For HR  department, solutions could be created for helping them in team building and performance evaluation. For sales department, Big Data could also help them in inventory management, forecasting, relationship management, closing deals and etc. Regarding the R&D department, Luminar could also offer solutions which were basically better than what they were having. Meanwhile, Luminar could work with R&D department to achieve predictive analytics in the future. For this option, it would boost the corporate performance through both internal and external initiatives. It could definitely satisfy criteria 1. For criteria 2, this option further indicates what Luminar and Big Data could bring to those 3 departments. With both the external performance and internal benefits, the 3 departments would likely to start buy-in and thus this criteria is also satisfied. For the third criteria, this option allows Lumina to distinguish most number of early adopters throughout the corporation and they could simply help with spreading the DNA out to rest of the corporation to sustain the long term culture change. For the last criteria, this option is truly able to show that Luminar would be potential to create business synergies by offering various internal initiatives and new revenue streams through those 3 mentioned products targeting external customers. By comparing all of the above options, approaching the third option seems the most favorable as it satisfy all of the four criteria. When Rios was about to propose this option to Ulloa and the board of directors, they would be confident that Luminar could successfully remove the resistances and secure sufficient internal buy-in. Plan: Short term: 6 months to 1 year For the short term, Rios should clearly propose the winning option to Ulloa and rest of the board of directors. He needed to explain the proposal with great details which would help the directors to carry forward his ideas and messages down to each department of Entravision. The next thing Rios should do was to officially establish Luminar and start seeking for the resources to build up his team. The DNA of the Entravision was not analytical, thus,  it would be better to attract resources from outside of Entravision. At the same time, Luminar should target at hiring analytic resources with strong Latino background as they know how to generate better insights from the Latino market. By end of the 6th month, Luminar should have the core team successfully built. After that, Luminar should start the data acquisition tasks. The process he envisioned involved building a database of US adults and a subset of Latino adults in US. Then, Luminar would extract data from social media tools such as blogs, tweets and YouTube. Together, this would generate, from preliminary reckoning, about 125 terabyte of living, breathing data which could be analyzed in real time. Going forward, the data would be ingested into Hortonworks along with algorithms such as MapReduce and Luminar customized ones to profile consumer types with a high degree of precision. This fundamental technical platform for Big Data analytic should be established and tested to be reliable by end of year 1. Medium term: 1 year -3 years Starting this period, Luminar should invite representatives from each internal department and work together on the development of both external customer facing products as well as the internal customer facing products. Those representatives should be people welcome to any change and they would also be responsible for acting as the change agents for their corresponding departments. Those 3 products targeting at external customers should receive higher priority. By end of mid of year 2, the prototypes of the 3 products should be ready for test. Sales team should working closely with Luminar and get involved in the product development process. The reason why promoting sales team involvement is that it would offer enough information and training for them to change their messages to pitch customers. And by end of year 2, the final delivery of these 3 products should be ready for any potential business opportunity to generating revenue. After the external products were developed, Luminar would shift their efforts to focus on developing those internal products. Those representatives from each department should be involved within the development process and feed update back to their own departments. By end of the mid of year 3, prototypes for internal products should be ready for testing and initial training. By end of the year 3, the final internal products should be in production and full  scale of training should be in place. Organizational change effort could be started parallelly in this period with the product development. Successful transformational change must have supports from the c-level, as a result, Rios should work with Ulloa to secure buy-in within board of directors and executives to support the organization culture change. Kotter’s 8 steps could be used to direct the change process. By end of this period, Luminar should be able to successfully secure large scale internal buy-in and would offer them a health and sustainable environment for future growth. Long term: 3 – 5 years In this long term period, with further adoption of internal products within various departments, analytical DNA should started to spread over through word of mouth, performance dashboards and etc. The culture change process should also benefit from the above achievement. For Luminar, its primary objectives in this term would be maintain and improve both the external and internal products. At the same time, Luminar would focus on revenue growth and work hard to achieve that 10 percent of total revenues of Entravision by end of the fifth year. If Luminar turned out to be a successful corporate entrepreneurship adventure, Entravision should make Luminar as an example in the future to leverage another corporate entrepreneurship to facing any future revolutionary industry change.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Animal Cruelty

(SLIDE 1) What would you do if you saw someone hurting an animal? Most of you probably would not know what you should REALLY do. Good morning (afternoon) to Cik Nurul, and fellow friends. Today, we will be talking to you about animal abuse and cruelty. I’m Darshini Preet; and before I go further, I would like you people to know that this presentation is mainly to educate the public and particularly young people, like you, to a sense of moral responsibility towards animals. Okay, I shall begin by uncovering the â€Å"Part One† horror of cruelty against animals. SLIDE 2) Cruelty or abuse against animals is the infliction of suffering upon animals, other than humans, for purposes other than self-defence. More narrowly, it can be harm for specific gain, such as killing animals for food or for their fur. (SLIDE 3) Specifically, I will discuss cats and dogs being abused, because they are the most abused domestic animals. Domestic means that these are types of animals you can have in your home. Who in their right mind would abuse a poor defenceless cat or dog? Unfortunately, people of all ages abuse animals. This includes senior citizens, adults, teenagers and even children. Sadly, most animal abusers and killers are teenagers. (SLIDE 4) Researchers say that violence against animals often represents displaced hostility and aggression stemming from neglect or abuse by some other family member. What that means is that if a child is abused, they are more likely to be an abuser of animals. (SLIDE 5) Serious or repeated animal cruelty is seen more often in boys than girls. Associated characteristics of a child who abuses animals may include those who do poorly in school, have low self-esteem, few friends, and are bullies who may also be known for skipping school, damaging other peoples’ property and have other bad behaviours. Adults who abuse animals may have grown up in an abusive home. Sometimes, during a divorce, one adult may take out their anger on their dog or cat, to get back at the other person. Others do it for no reason. Sadly, teenagers abuse animals for fun, even though there certainly is nothing funny about what they have done. It is the exact opposite – stupidity, irrational and wrong! That’s all from me. Thank you. Now, my friend, ___________________, will continue into the next part of the horror. (SLIDE 6) Abused cats have been beaten and even killed by their owners. One cat was burned to death by teenagers. During my research, I read of two teens that killed a total of seventeen cats. One cat was put in a microwave and was killed. Another man killed his cat by hitting it with a rake. If this doesn’t make you feel sick, I don’t know what else would. (SLIDE 7) Dogs have been abused as well. Five puppies were thrown down into an outhouse hole. Luckily, someone walking by heard their pitiful whining and they were all rescued. One man killed his mother’s dog with a hammer. Another dog was neglected and abused so badly that you could see every rib on the dog. (SLIDE 8) There are agencies and people who help to rescue animals that have been abused or abandoned. These include the SPCA, which is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. (SLIDE 9) Through researches, and articles, we found out that SPCA rescued 2669 cats in 2007. Unfortunately, in 1700 cats were put down because they were either too ill, too injured, or no one would adopt them. (SLIDE 10) The abuse and exploitation of non-human animals is pervasive throughout our society. According to the Department of Agriculture Malaysia, over 3 billion are butchered for human consumption every year, roughly 1million are suffered in laboratories, and another 5thousand are killed for their fur in Malaysia alone. (SLIDE 11) Life on Old MacDonald's farm isn't what it used to be. The cute scenes are now replaced with windowless sheds with cramped wire cages so small and tacked together is enough to drive you insane, and the conditions these animals have to go through are accepted when you are eating them, but if anything like that happened to your dog or cat you'd be thrown in jail for animal cruelty; and that of course would only happen in the USA. (SLIDE 12) Chickens and turkeys raised for meat are raised in crowded, disgusting cages until they are to die. Th ey are bred to become so big so fast that they can hardly move due to painful bone conditions. Many just drop dead from the strain on their underdeveloped hearts. Egg-laying hens are packed into wire cages that are so small to the point that they can't even lift their wings. Their feet never touch the ground, unless they have been dropped off of the conveyor belt right before meeting their death. They never get to peck for food or be happy. Instead they are forced to live in wire cages in a cold, frustrated shed. Frustrated hens will peck at their cage mates, so in order for them to prevent them from killing one another, farmers use hot blades to slice off their beaks, and sometimes parts of their tongues and even faces get cut off too! SLIDE 13) For every egg-laying hen confined in a cage, there's a male chick that was killed at the hatchery. Since egg-laying breeds have been exclusively selected for maximum production, they don't grow large enough to be raised for profitable meat. Therefore, male chicks of egg-laying breeds are of no value. When they hatch, male chicks are thrown into a dumpster to starve, or they are ground up alive. (SLIDE 14) Cattle that are being used for your steak and hamburgers are branded, their horns cut off, and are castrated; all without painkillers. Painful thought, isn't it? Why would proper veterinary care be given, when they are just going to die anyways? Lameness doesn't affect the meat. (SLIDE 15) Dairy cows get electric machines hooked up to their swollen udders around three times a day! Male claves are shipped off to veal farms after they are born, where they live their lives on short chains is putrid stalls where they can't turn around. They're kept in isolation and fed nutrient-deficient foods so that their flesh will be tender and pale when they are served as â€Å"gourmet† dishes. (SLIDE 16) Factory farm pigs spend their lives in crowded pens with concrete floors. Like birds, the pigs are drugged and bred to grow so large so fast, many can't walk. Baby boys are too castrated, and all piglets’ tails and teeth are removed so they can't bite each other while they are being raised to die. Honestly, I don't want to go into detail how these animals get killed, because it is extremely disturbing, but it is an extreme cause for concern on the subject of animal cruelty. These animals are tortured and slaughtered most that are still conscious. Would you want to look down at your cheeseburger or chicken nuggets knowing that they were tortured and butchered all while being conscious? Could you still enjoy that food? (SLIDE 17) Every year millions of animals are blinded, shocked, poisoned, mutilated, and even killed in laboratories across the world. Dogs, cats, mice, rats, and primates are all victims of horrific experiments that eventually cost them their lives. Every year, millions of animals suffer and die in painful tests to determine the â€Å"safety† of cosmetics and household products. Substances ranging from eye shadow to furniture polish are tested on rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, dogs, and several other animals, despite the fact that the test results do not help prevent or treat human illness or injury. SLIDE 18) Fur is seen as a luxury amongst the wealthy. Most people don’t know the lengths taken to trap and skin these gorgeous creatures for an impractical coat such as the ones you see at designer stores. Fur trapping is a barbaric activity done to supply people with a fur coat. The suffering is multiplied when one considers that an average of 40 animals must be killed to make one fur coat. (SLIDE 19) Is it worth your hamburgers, chicken nuggets, eye shadow, and frivolous fur coats to know that billions of animals are being killed every year for them? So when you go home today, I hope you will think about what we have told you, and the least you can give to your pet is an extra pat or hug to show them how much you love them. (SLIDE 20) Hopefully, from today, all of us will instill some sense of humanitarianism in your hearts, towards these innocent creations of GOD†¦ Thank you. – My time ends here. I’ll pass this on to____________________. Thank you. – Okay, I’m done for now. Thanks for listening. I’d like to call upon ______________________ to reveal another ridiculously, despicable inflict acted upon animals these days. Alright, I shall let ________________________ to take over the rest of the presentation. Thank you for your time. Now, we would like to play 2 of our selected video clips related to our topic- Animal Cruelty. By the way, here’s a WARNING – the second video contains graphic images that you viewers may find very disturbing. We hope you guys can watch it; or else , please turn away and plug both of your ears tight! We show these videos with the sole intention of raising awareness of how animals are treated in certain parts of the world. Thank you for your attention. Animal Cruelty Animal Cruelty Introduction: I. Did you know that nearly 1 million animals a year are victims of animal cruelty? This can contain not only abuse, but a lot of deaths. You often here the saying a dog is a man’s best friend. While if a dog is a man’s best friend why would we want to hurt or even kill them? These things lead me to the question†¦ II. How do we stop animal cruelty? Here in South Dakota, there are animal protection laws that protect the animals from things like neglect, starvation, and abuse. III. We must fully understand the causes and effects as far as the care that is being made for these animals.Once we fully understand these things, we can prevent abuse and neglect furthermore. IV. Today I am going to tell you about The Animals Protection Laws of South Dakota. Transition: The first thing I want to bring up is the general prohibitions of this law. I. There are many laws and prohibitions that are enforced in the state of South Dakota that help to proh ibit animal cruelty a. The First prohibition is giving unreasonable care to an animal even if they have a disease, injury, or disability. b. The Second Prohibition is the poisoning of an animal, whether it be one’s own animal or an animal owned by someone else. . The Third Prohibition is the killing or injuring of one’s own animal or an animal owned by someone else. d. The Fourth, and the last, Prohibition, is the inhumane treatment of an animal. Transition: The next thing that I want to talk about is the maximum penalties for committing such crimes. II. There are many penalties for animal cruelty crimes. They are divided into 2 classes which are authorized upon conviction: a. For a class 1 misdemeanor the penalty would be one year imprisonment in a county jail or two thousand dollars fine, or both. b.For a class 2 misdemeanor the penalty would be thirty days imprisonment in a county jail or five hundred dollars fine, or both. Transition: The last stage is the Law Enfo rcement Policies III. South Dakota Law Enforcement Policy holds a strict standard. The enforcement policies are as follows: a. The South Dakota Animal Industry Board shall address any animal endangerment situations and enforce the law on any concerning cattle, horses, sheep, swine and other nonlivestock animals. b. The board or any officer of a humane society may administer oaths, take statements, access papers and other documents in order to justify the situation. . Law enforcement and animal control agencies may enforce animal control. Officers may request that law enforcement arrest suspects of people who do not abide by the law. Transition: As you can see South Dakota holds high policies regarding animal cruelty and these enforcements help maintain healthy living for these animals. Here’s a video of some animals that have experienced abuse and cruelty first hand. Video Conclusion: I. Sadly, no matter what the prohibitions and laws are, there’s no way to fully avoid animal cruelty and it can often be overlooked.However, with these laws, it can help limit the amount of animals that are abused or die because of cruelty. II. As I’ve discussed, animal cruelty is a concerning problem for not only the state of South Dakota, but everywhere. a. It has many causes ranging from abuse to neglect, or eventual death b. Its effects can provide a saddening outcome, such as the loss of a pet or jail time. c. Fortunately, we can help prevent this by taking good care of our animals. and reporting suspicious instances. III. What I’ve discussed should give you insight on how to avoid animal cruelty and make for a better tomorrow for animals all around the world. Animal Cruelty PETA, or â€Å"{People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals† is the largest animal rights organization in the world. Along with their website, www. cowsarecool. com, PETA and it’s two million followers help spread awareness through education, special events, and even celebrity involvement. They believe animals are here to help the world by means other than food, clothing, and entertainment. Farm animals, are of course, vital to the meat industry. PETA believes that the animals sent to slaughterhouses, are just as compassionate and intelligent as our very own furry friends. These animals endure harsh conditions, negligence, and mutilation. According to PETA, completely cutting out meat to prevent animal cruelty is the way to go. The vegan lifestyle is also said to provide all the necessary nutrients minus the fats and cholesterol and could potentially add ten years to your life. Majority of leather comes from fur farms in developing countries where animals spend every day suffering from extremely miserable, poor living conditions. Not only that, but they’re killed in the cruelest of ways; Suffocation, electrocution, gassing, and poisoning are the main forms of methods. PETA recently did an investigation in India to find that cows even have their tails broken and chili peppers and tobacco rubbed into their eyes so that they will walk after they collapse while traveling long distances to be skinned alive. PETA says, â€Å"With so many fashionable, comfortable options available today, there is no excuse for wearing any animal skins. † Circus animals are encouraged to do silly, physically demanding tricks in exchange for dirty, small living spaces, plus a minimal supply of food and water. The animals’ need are usually last simply because businesses are all about money. If they don’t do as they are told, beatings, whippings, and shocks from an electric collar are in store for them. PETA feels that even those kept in zoos, rodeos, and marine parks aren’t living the life they deserve and determined to get animals out of the entertainment business. The PETA website seemed very well organized and thought out. Even though a bit persuasive, I’ll unfortunately be a carnivore until the day I die. I will, nevertheless, watch out more for those certain clothing materials derived from animal skin. I don’t agree, however, with their opinion on animals used for entertainment purposes- most animals love and value their trainers and are actually very spoiled, happy and healthy animals who aren’t mistreated. Animal Cruelty Animal Cruelty Introduction: I. Did you know that nearly 1 million animals a year are victims of animal cruelty? This can contain not only abuse, but a lot of deaths. You often here the saying a dog is a man’s best friend. While if a dog is a man’s best friend why would we want to hurt or even kill them? These things lead me to the question†¦ II. How do we stop animal cruelty? Here in South Dakota, there are animal protection laws that protect the animals from things like neglect, starvation, and abuse. III. We must fully understand the causes and effects as far as the care that is being made for these animals.Once we fully understand these things, we can prevent abuse and neglect furthermore. IV. Today I am going to tell you about The Animals Protection Laws of South Dakota. Transition: The first thing I want to bring up is the general prohibitions of this law. I. There are many laws and prohibitions that are enforced in the state of South Dakota that help to proh ibit animal cruelty a. The First prohibition is giving unreasonable care to an animal even if they have a disease, injury, or disability. b. The Second Prohibition is the poisoning of an animal, whether it be one’s own animal or an animal owned by someone else. . The Third Prohibition is the killing or injuring of one’s own animal or an animal owned by someone else. d. The Fourth, and the last, Prohibition, is the inhumane treatment of an animal. Transition: The next thing that I want to talk about is the maximum penalties for committing such crimes. II. There are many penalties for animal cruelty crimes. They are divided into 2 classes which are authorized upon conviction: a. For a class 1 misdemeanor the penalty would be one year imprisonment in a county jail or two thousand dollars fine, or both. b.For a class 2 misdemeanor the penalty would be thirty days imprisonment in a county jail or five hundred dollars fine, or both. Transition: The last stage is the Law Enfo rcement Policies III. South Dakota Law Enforcement Policy holds a strict standard. The enforcement policies are as follows: a. The South Dakota Animal Industry Board shall address any animal endangerment situations and enforce the law on any concerning cattle, horses, sheep, swine and other nonlivestock animals. b. The board or any officer of a humane society may administer oaths, take statements, access papers and other documents in order to justify the situation. . Law enforcement and animal control agencies may enforce animal control. Officers may request that law enforcement arrest suspects of people who do not abide by the law. Transition: As you can see South Dakota holds high policies regarding animal cruelty and these enforcements help maintain healthy living for these animals. Here’s a video of some animals that have experienced abuse and cruelty first hand. Video Conclusion: I. Sadly, no matter what the prohibitions and laws are, there’s no way to fully avoid animal cruelty and it can often be overlooked.However, with these laws, it can help limit the amount of animals that are abused or die because of cruelty. II. As I’ve discussed, animal cruelty is a concerning problem for not only the state of South Dakota, but everywhere. a. It has many causes ranging from abuse to neglect, or eventual death b. Its effects can provide a saddening outcome, such as the loss of a pet or jail time. c. Fortunately, we can help prevent this by taking good care of our animals. and reporting suspicious instances. III. What I’ve discussed should give you insight on how to avoid animal cruelty and make for a better tomorrow for animals all around the world.